Time to start up the barbie, have a beer and listen to triple J's hottest 100 while in shorts and thongs (that's 'flip-flops' for you foreigners who think thongs are an undergarment, ha). It's Australia Day tomorrow, a day to celebrate the founding of modern day 'white' Australia. If you live or grew up in Australia, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.

White button-up blouse and denim skirt c/o boohoo.com.au
Necklace c/o Emclectic Collection

I decided to style up a (super vague, loosely) 'Aussie' themed post with Australian flag colours - red, white and blue. In the spirit of my childhood growing up in Australia, I've gone super casual, and spent the afternoon climbing trees like I did in my primary school days. Although I still climb trees every opportunity I get, even at age 23 :P

I'm going to be having quite a chill day myself, no work and no responsibilities, I'll definitely have my radio on and hopefully there'll be a bit of sunshine too.


Stace x

Photos taken by my gorgeous housemate Melanie Hansen ♥


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