Pretty. Odd.

11:11 PM

Odd socks. I am in love.

Sorry for the huge non-posting last week; as I said, mid-years kill and there have been some nasty things going on in my life. Anyway, I bought a pair of Alannah Hill thigh highs at the outlet the other weekend, and here they are. Well, one of them!

Left sock: vintage knee-hi; right sock: Alannah Hill thigh-highs.

Lame as outfit post, but the main emphasis is on my socks, babes! Ignore the weirdo faces and the boring clothes ;)

Houdini, the cutest rabbit everrr ^^

Going back to Alannah Hill cos this Friday coming up is my Year 12 formal! Soo excited. Trying to find a good hairpiece and possibly new shoes too. And the theme is Academy Awards so we're getting a red carpet and everything, I dieeee.


PS. Soooo over Photobucket - it always bloody "fails to upload" on me. Anyone else have the same problems??

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