
8:21 PM

Awoke Monday morning to the sound of my friendly local postman ringing the doorbell. He dropped off this cute little brown paper package which felt heavy and jangled as I took it off him. Hmmm. Scrawled over the front was the following little motto:

Be Inspired.
Be Yourself.
Be Sistaco.

Sistaco is a jewellery label started in May 2011 - the name Sistaco came about after it was decided that the business wanted to support women, not just in Australia but in less fortunate countries as well. A company run by women, for women, means that a large part of the philosophy is to inspire women to be themselves and to be strong, independent and confident. This philosophy is not only met through the confidence women gain in wearing the product, but through education, inspiring stories and the knowledge that they are supporting something bigger than themselves.

After much deliberation, the first charity Sistaco is supporting is Awaken Mozambique, a ‘not for profit’ organisation that provides women in the African country of Mozambique the chance to realise their own dreams, by starting a business through micro-financing. Not only are the women assisted financially, but part of the package includes business education, teaching them techniques such as budgeting, purchasing and salaries.

I think that this is a beautiful philosophy for a brand to have! To check out what Sistaco has been doing with the ladies from Awaken Mozambique, check out the page on their website :)

Here are my three pieces from Sistaco that were in my package!

Also if you haven't already feel free to my Instagram to see how I wore the first piece I received. I can't wait to wear these gorgeous pieces in my upcoming outfit posts (which will happen I swear!). Exams are drawing to a close, I've only got my piano recital left next week. So expect a few more posts coming up.

Hope everyone's having a good week, and Happy Hump Day!

x x Stace

Shop Sistaco.


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