10:40 PMBlog post from previous blog:
January 9th, 2010Gosh I love Summer, I can't believe there's less than a week til I have to go back to school! Ugh save me!So I went up to Queenscliff for a day trip yesterday; it's a smallish town not too far from Melbourne. I really wasn't keen on going, since it was my parents' idea and they wanted to go see some friends who'd moved there. I'm never keen on spending time with my parents anymore, sigh. Eventually I was roped into coming along, but on one condition: I drive (cue dramatic music).
Wasn't too bad, but the temperature was climbing in the car and I looked pretty gross in the 30+ degree heat. We ended up staying for lunch with our friends and then driving up to Pt. Lonsdale beach, where I had a nice dip in the ocean with my dad. The water was gorgeous - pretty blues and greens and aquas, not to mention the breaking waves were clear as glass! It was perfect beach weather too, sunny but not too much.
I got a few snaps of the beach:A boat called "Awesome"
How good does it look?! ^
Fun in the sun, plus it was great to add an extra four hours of driving onto my Learner's log, I hope to be able to go for my license when I turn 18! But I am so exhausted today, driving is tiring. I went out for Yum Cha today with an old friend, ah I love yum cha, all the cute little dumplings and dishes. And now I'm just lazing around at home drinking ice tea and browsing lookbook and reading blogs!
Ah this is the life :)
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